What Causes White Seed Like Specks In Stool?
Most probably fungal infection
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for your query.
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Anyways the white specks are most probably from a fungal infection of the lower part of large intestine or anal canal. During the shedding of the infecting germ, some part of intestine is also shed leading to the appearance of white specks on the stool.
Mostly it is a harmless condition. Unless it is accompanied by other symptoms like weight loss, etc it does not need investigations.
I would still suggest that you rule out other conditions of gut by getting stool tested for ova and parasites, culture of the stool and fecal occult blood test.
Meanwhile drink cleanest water to avoid water borne infections. Please dont experiment with lesser known medicines or herbal drugs.
Hope it helps.
Dr Vaishalee