What Do Gas, Belching And Stomach Cramps Indicate After Consuming Spoilt Milk?
hold off solids, fluid replacement, probiotics, peptobismol
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite- some or all of these may occur.
Treatment would consist of--(1) NO use of any solid food till at least 4 hours have passed with no symptoms
When this 4 hour period passes, then you can use a small amount of dry food such as rice, bread, biscuits
If this is tolerated, then the amount and types of food used can be increased
(2)if vomiting or diarrhea occur then you would need to replace any fluids and electrolytes loss with either oral rehydration fluids or dilute sport drinks such as dilute gatorade or poweraid.
If vomiting occurs, would need to drink small amounts at a time. If there is no vomiting, only diarrhea, can use large amounts
(3)paracetamol can be used for the pain. It may be best to avoid medication such as ibuprofen or naproxen or similar meds because these can irritate the stomach
(4)probiotics either on their own or in yogurts may be able to help as well
(5)medication such as peptobismol may help to decrease the symptoms especially the gas and uncomfortable sensations
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions