What Do My Blood Sugar Reports Indicate?
It is not high levels that complicate but the fluctuations
Detailed Answer:
THere is no definite time line before the organs start effecting. But you have to look for the following before they start affecting organs.
1) Avoid sedentary life and have a regular activity in the form of walking, cycling. Do not indulge in sports or high strenous activities. It would not help control sugars.
2) THe blood sugars should not fluctuate often, they should be steadily maintained even at high normal levels. Fluctuations cause serious problems. You can maintain between 120 to 200 before and after food. But if there is a huge variation like 60 to 250 before and after then it starts affecting the vessels. If you maintain good levels it takes decades for the complications to set in.
3) If Metformin does not help in 4 weeks along with good diet and exercise you should add more medicines like Vidagliptin which your doctor knows.
4) Preventive check ups especially cholesterol, eye check up, foot ulcers and urine microalbumin levels. I suggest to take Pneumonia in 5yrs and Flu shots every year.
It's just high and needs to be controlled
Detailed Answer:
Sorry for the late reply,
Yes, it's high and needs to be controlled with more drugs or insulin. Dangerous to organs depends on longevity and fluctuations.