What Do Nodules On Thyroid Gland Indicate?
thyroid gland and 2. Do they cause or contribute to either hypo or hyperthyroidism? and 3. What is
the usual treatment for this condition?
Thyroid nodules
Detailed Answer:
Good day.
Noted your concern,.
To answer the questions
1). Thyroid nodules ( as well as nodules in several organs like adrenal and pituitary) are common finding after 40 years of age. This can be caused by cells in a particular area grows too much. Most of them are benign. Certain DNA mutations, virus, hypo and hyperthyroidism etc can cause this.. Iodine deficiency also can cause this.
2) They may contribute to hypo / hyperthyroidism rarely if they are large enough. This is very rare though.
3) The treatment depends on the size and hormonal status. If the size of nodule is more than 1 cm, a needle test ( FNA) has to be done. The further course of action is based on that. If the blood test shows hyperthyroidism, a nuclear scan has to be done and then to decide further treatment.
many of them that showed up on the scan (31 smaller ones). Does that have
any bearing on what action is taken or what medication is useful if any?
Size matters
Detailed Answer:
No the number does not matter as long as the thyroid function is good ( Thyroid function tests). However, any nodule more than 1 cm in size in an ultrasound should be needle biopsied.