What Do These GOT And GPT Levels In A Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Indicate?
My DR took me off of those drugs to give my liver a rest. I take prednisone 2.5 - 10 mg a day depending upon pain, and diclofenac 75-150 mg a day depending on pain. I am in pain most of the time. My GOT was 42 and GPT was 54 taken on July 14 fasting. GOT was 26 and GPT was 39 on March 24 (not fasting). Is the increase in those two numbers due to the meds I am taking? Thank you
Liver function tests
Detailed Answer:
Good evening
Thank you for writing on health care magic
Well, the tests you have described do look within normal range. If you could give me the normal reference that would be more helpful as different laboratory have different range. But as of now, it looks quite ok. The minor variations can be due to different kits being used by the lab.
Secondly, I didnt understand why the Rheumatoid ARthritis medications were stopped for u. Considering the pain you are in all the time, it looks like the disease is coming back. If the liver function tests have been ok while on methotrextate and Hydroxychloroquine, you can continue these medications. We have patients taking medications for 10-15 years without much problem. The problem which comes on stopping medication is, when the disease comes back it gets even difficult to control
Lastly I would advise you to go off steroids before you get dependent on it. Even if it s on on demand basis.
I hope the information was useful
Do let me know for more queries. Would be happy to help out
Dr Naval
Thank you for your response. The normal range the lab uses is:
GOT 15 unit/L- 37 unit/L and for GPT 12 unit/L - 78 unit/L. My RA DR stated my liver serum was alarmingly high due to the methotrexate mainly. That is why I am no longer those meds. Unfortunately I do not have the lab results from February that caused him to stop those meds. I will try to get them. He tried to blame "drinking" and we had a heated exchange because I am far too health conscious to be a drinker. I thought I was taking a low dose of prednisone. What are the sympoms of dependancy?
Raised Liver function tests
Detailed Answer:
Good evening
Sorry for the late reply. Was in a long flight
Well your SGOT is a bit high considering the range, but still nothing to worry about The SGPT is normal as of now.
The deranged liver function tests in February could be due to Methotrexate, but what we need to understand is the side effects are more of a transient reaction to the drug. Once you stop the drug for 2 weeks it will revert to normal. But taking diclofenac is equally harmful and should not be continued on long term
Low dose prednisolone is sufficient to control pain in Rheumatoid Arthitis but we need something more to suppress the disease activity as well, that is prevent the internal bone damage. Dependency comes when you dont take the medicine for a day and you feel all fatigue and as if the pain has come back again.
I feel consult your Rheumatologist once( may be different one now) and consider restarting on methotrexate or leflunomide for your disease.
Hope the information was useful
DO let me know for more queries. Would be happy to help out
Dr Naval