What Do These Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar And Cholesterol Values Indicate?
Recently a health camp was conducted in my office. My BP was found to be 141 over 84, cholesterol was 270 and sugar level after having food was 70. Is these reading a cause for concern
Cholesterol, Yes! Others need to be controlled!
Detailed Answer:
HI and thank you so much for this query.
I am happy to know you benefitted from this health camp. I will say fro blood sugar and blood pressure, they are normal and really need nothing but monitoring. However, regular exercise, weight loss, low lipids and salt content in diet, with much fruits,vegetables and fruits will help keep you healthy.
Cholesterol is high. I will recommend a follow up detailed assessment now and treatment if need be. We need a complete lipid panel at this time to understand what is really going on.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be. Above all, thanks for using our services.
Coplete lipid profile!
Detailed Answer:
Do a complete lipid profile and all will be okay. Keep me posted on the results and outcome.
I wish you well.