What Doe Elevated Calcium Level Indicate?
Detailed Answer:
I follow what you are saying here.
The calcium of 14 is considerably high. I suppose that is when your doctor advised you to make an appointment with an endocrinologist. I have noted the other lab results you have shared too.
You are correct in surmizing that the weekly 50,000 vitamin D can raise the calcium. So if you have not already stopped it, please do so now.
It is really important you get this high calcium assessed thoroughly and promptly.
It requires a systematic evaluation to lower the calcium first, and then determine the cause of it. This typically entails further lab testing such as :
Intact PTH
Serum Creatinine
Free T4
Liver function tests
The results of these will guide the next round of tests if necessary, such as
1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D
ACE levels
Urinary calcium excretion
Sestamibi scan
There are various causes of high calcium such as overactive parathyroid glands and each condition has to be managed accordingly to the unique cause