What Does A Swollen Lump In The Pelvic Area Indicate?
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Noted the history about a 23 year old male: swollen lump in pelvic area - on right - in the groin where the legs meet the body - no pain or tenderness - noticed due to touch - wants to know whether this is a lymph node and why it is swollen...
Please check for yourself and give me the feedback:
Put a palm on the lump and cough forcefully and see if it remains stationary means no change in size or gets enlarged?
If so, does it reduce in size on pressure to vanish but to reappear?
Is it single or many?
Any history of any wound in the penis, scrotum or peri-anal area?
Since when has this been found out?
What is the size, consistency> soft/firm/hard?
Is it fixed or XXXXXXX
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As also post clear and focused photographs if possible as it helps in further diagnosis.
As detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
Yes, this looks to be a lymph node.
If this is enlarged without a obvious reason it is then necessary to get this confirmed by High Resolution Ultrasound to see what it is and to have FNAC that is fine needle aspiration cytology the cause of it.
Medical field is evidence based, hence it is imperative to get the evidence as soon as possible.
Any painful movement of the thigh over the body?
Detailed Answer:
If this is due to pulled ligament or muscles, the movement of the thigh over the body will be painful.
Do you have such pains , please.
As explained.
Detailed Answer:
Flu can cause myalgia and pain in the areas where muscles start or insert in the bones. If one exerts when with flu, the problem can be more as it looks in your case.
This can cause swelling or can be lymph nodes secondarily too.
Hence the necessity of getting ultrasound done.
Please get one to get the confirmed diagnosis so that the treatment can be well guided as the treatment for both be different.
Start taking an anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen if it suits you.