What Does "moderate Anisocytosis Mild Poikilocytosis" Mean?
Iron deficiency anemia.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for your query.
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
These are aberrations of the RBC (Red Blood Cells) that change from their normal shape due to lack of adequate hemoglobin in the blood.
Your Hemoglobin level is below normal and would need Iron supplementation for a couple of months if taken orally. Consult a doctor at the earliest to see if you are suffering from any other condition and to ascertain the cause of this type of anemia.
Once this is corrected, these abnormal cells gradually die in 100 days and will be replaced by normal RBC again.
Have a diet rich in Iron - Green leafy veggies, dates, jaggery etc.
Let me know if I have missed out any other concern in your question.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me, I do hope that you have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.
Dr Sujeet N Charugulla,
Consultant Physician.
Vit D supplements needed.
Detailed Answer:
Yes, the Vit D level is below normal and will need supplementation for couple of weeks.
Heavy bleeding during periods and passing of clots will have to be investigated by the gynecologist separately. An abdominal examination and USG scan may be needed for the uterus, vaginal and other diagnostics if any. Your doctor should be able to guide you in this.
Let me know of further concerns.