What Does The Following Test Result Indicate?
Please provide the tests reports...
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your medical history carefully and am sorry for the situation you are in.
Taking into account that you are a diabetic, such kidney function test results are indicating alteration of the kidney function most probably due to diabetes.
Before running into final conclusions, I'd like to know:
- your full blood work reports
- urine analysis report
- diabetes testing reports
- the name of medications your doctor put you in and caused drops in bp
- ultrasound or reports of other tests you did
For the moment, I advise to keep your blood sugar levels well controlled and to monitor your blood pressure.
Looking forward to have the requested data in!
blood work: Na 141; Potassium 4.4; chloride 104; carbon dioxide 26.2; anion gap 15.2; glucose 105; creatinine 0.55; bun 11.9; calcium total9.2; gfr greater than 60; bun/creatinine ratio 22; A1C 5.8; triide 48; cholestrol171; HDL 89; LDL 72. Was fasting blood work. No urine done. Did not take med he suggested to increase my blood pressure. Nor did I take the one to preserve kidney function. He has never suggested any further tests of any kind.
Thank you, XXXX
Confirmed slight alteration of your kidneys...
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for providing more of your medical data.
From the reports you are providing, they confirm slight alteration of kidney function due to diabetes. If you don't want to start immediately renal protection treatment as ordered by your doctor, you can follow the following suggestions:
- increasing fluids (water) intake
- try your best to keep your blood sugar within normal range
- keep regular follow ups for the nephrologist
- running kidney function tests and urine analysis every 3 months. Urine analysis is important to exclude urinary tract infection (UTI) and to treat it accordingly.
If the renal function is more altered after three months than you should start the treatment recommended by your doctor.
All the best!
Have a great holiday. XXXX
Have a great holiday you too!
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
It was nice to hear that my advice were somehow helpful for you.
Have a great holiday you too!
Dr. Benard