What Does This ECG Report Indicate?
inferior wall MI is a possibility, if symptoms present shift pt EMS
Detailed Answer:
Hello , I am Dr . Mody and I would be address your concern .
An isolated review of ecg many a time leads to erroneous diagnosis and it's always wise to clinically corelate .
Two important things
What is the clinical status of the patient and if he having any active chest pain , palpitation, breathlessness.
If I only consider tge ecg .
There is ST elevation in the inferior leads 2, 3 and avf, reciprocal changes in 1 avl 50-60. .
If there is active chest pain , risk factors like smoking , drugs , hypertension, diabetes , kidney issues , family history of heart problem than
I will strongly consider shifting the patients to EMS
A inferior wall Myocardial infartion is likely possibly and it's wise to keep patient in observation .
Other things like the rhythm, pr interval , q's duration , all looks normal and so no arrythmia at present .
Considering your age is too young , a 2 d echocardiography, blood test like troponin should be done .
However in heart times is muscle , wasting more times is not wise .
Let me know if any clarification needed.
Also more details will help me help you better .
Regards Dr Priyank Mody
bp 124/64
Yes the rhythm is regular on gross review
Detailed Answer:
Hello , The small square are not exactly visible but if you are asking about the rhythm.
Yes on gross review it it Regular and the heart rate would be around 66- 68 , which too is normal .
The blood pressure mentioned is also normal .
Let me know if anything needed , I would be just on the other side .
Regards Dr Priyank Mody
He still has pains and pulse rate increasing
What is his present pulse rate , repeat ecg now if possible .
Detailed Answer:
Hello , The inferior wall infartion mean a that the inferior wall of the heart is not receiving enough blood causing a small heart attack .
Some background history about the patient . His age , medical history, and risk factors , what medication he is on will help me guide you better as what medication to take now and 2 at may be the reason of his symptoms
Also If possible and repeat ecg at present as already 20 hours have passed , so if Any dynamic change in the ecg are present we can know by comparing it with the previous one you had send .
Trust me guiding you without proper history will increase your anxiety , rather than being helpful.
If any trouble typing you can video call me .
Regards Dr. Priyank Mody
Nearest hospital emergency would be ideal
Detailed Answer:
Hello ,
If the symptoms are persistent, going to nearest hospital emergency is the best means for getting the patient evaluated as in heart attack it's important not to waste time .
Do upload the ecg so I can interpret it for you .