What Does This Knee MRI Report Indicate?
Grading of the tear and examination of muscle function after 6 weeks needed
Detailed Answer:
Hi there.
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
Thanks for the query.
According to your report, one of the hamstring muscles around your knee have torn.
The hamstrings perform the movement of bending or flexing the knee. So if this flexion is suddenly hampered by some resistance then the muscle can tear.
Usually rest, ice, compression and elevation or the RICE protocol is continued for about 6 weeks. Also you should be wearing a hinged knee brace for proper immobilisation of the knee.
Your Radiologist and an Orthopaedic surgeon need to grade the tear to understand the severity of the tear and also examine you after 6 weeks post injury to see how much muscle function you possess.
Accordingly, Conservative versus surgical treatment can be planned. If the tear is a complete one as mentioned, but does not heal after 6 weeks, then it may require surgery to apply male tendon graft to reconstruct the torn hamstring muscle.
Proper rehab protocol is needed to avoid the healing tendon from snapping again due to strenuous activity after rest period.
I hope I have answered your query.
I will be available to answer your follow up queries
Dr. Aashish Raghu
6 weeks rest mandatory
Detailed Answer:
Hi there.
Thanks for the query.
By examining the MRI scan films, the grading can be done my the Radiologist and Orthopaedic surgeon.
I would advise 6 weeks of test in a hundred knee brace and then careful examination of your muscle strength before your start playing, before I can comment on anything.
Kindly understands that the body toasties need atleast 6 weeks to heal.
If you try to play now, you risk more severe damage to the tendons and now uncoordinated muscl contactions and tears can be expected. Please take rest for 6 weeks because your muscle is torn.
I hope I have answered your query.
I will be available to answer your follow up queries.
Dr. Aashish Raghu
retraction posteriorly and superiorly.
The torn tendon pulled up and behind
Detailed Answer:
The torn tendon of the muscles has been pulled up from its normal site due to the force of the muscle pull, above and behind ie superiorly and posteriorly respectively.
You need strict rest for 6 weeks without bending the knee to hope for some contact and healing between the torn tendon ends.