Brief Answer:
Comedones- Suggestion
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to healthcare magic.
From your description it seems like you are having black heads ( closed comedones). You have
acne. Acne is due to your adolescent hormones and you will continue to have it till that
hormonal influence is over. It might be 28 yrs or 30 yrs or even 32. So cure till then is difficult, but by regular treatment control is possible.
Avoid creams on your face. Diet is important. Decrease milk and milk products like cheese, chocolates, sweets, sugary foods and drinks. Eat a lot of fruits rich in
vitamin A (Anything with color).
Benzoyl peroxide is a good medicine for preventing new black heads, If you were using 5% , decrease the concentration to 2.5%. If you were using 2.5 % then decrease the contact period to 2 hours and then wash it off to avoid dryness.
You may also go for salicylic peel every two weeks ( cosmetic procedure) done by cosmetic
dermatologist for 4 to 6 sittings.
Hope this helped,
If you have any clarifications I will be happy to help.
Take care