What Percentage Of People Get Scabies From Staying In A Hotel?
thanks for writing in.
Now that's a difficult one to answer.
Actually no one has looked at it. And it will be a very difficult study to do, too.
Nevertheless, I will try to answer it.
There are two scenarios.
Scenario 1. Hotel Stayers who get scabies (people who rented a hotel and got scabies/total number of people who rented a hotel)
I would say the percentage is very very very low..maybe less than thousandth of a percent.
Scenario 2- Scabies patient who acquired it from a hotel room (scabies patient who recently stayed in a hotel/total number of scabies patients)
This percentage may be a little higher because of the sheer low volume of the denominator (as compared to scenario 1). I would say perhaps a little less than 1%.
Most patients (adults) acquire scabies from a household contact (higher hours spent together) and pediatric patients mostly acquire it from school.
I would say that the number of people who acquire it from a hotel is very low.
There is no calculated percentage.
I know that this may not be the answer you are looking for. But I tried to explain the scenario.