Why Am I Having Pain In Heart While Coughing?
Welcome to Health Care Magic
A pain over precordium (left lower chest) on cough?
It could be chest wall muscle spasm - most common.
It can be pericardial rub – from pericarditis (inflammation of the outer covering of the heart).
Or pleural rub (inflammation of the outer covering of the lungs).. This can be responsible for pain on coughing or XXXXXXX inspiration.
Occasionally, a spine pathology / disc may cause nerve root irritation – radiating to the area.
Rarely, in old fragile people, even a crack fracture of the rib!
Symptoms lasting three weeks demands a repeat physical examination.
A chest X-ray is a must to exclude underlying lung pathology – this is not always detectable by clinical examination. An ECG and ECHOcardiogram will rule out pericarditis.
The best option is to see an Internist.
Depending on the results of physical examination, some investigation may be necessary.
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck