Why Is A Chest CT Scan Advised?
I would explain as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking on HCM!
Regarding your concern, I would explain that a chest X-ray study is not the best test to examine your heart.
Besides, the shapes that we see in the X ray study are usually the nearby structures over imposed in the image ( mediastinal lymph nodes, aorta, etc).
For this reason, I would recommend performing a resting ECG and cardiac ultrasound to examine your heart function and structure and also aorta.
A chest x-ray study would give more information on the mediastinal structures.
I would also recommend performing some blood lab tests to investigate for the possible causes of high blood pressure and abnormal chest x-ray study:
- complete blood count
- inflammation tests ( PCR, sedimentation rate)
- kidney and liver function tests
- fasting glucose
- blood electrolytes.
Mild hypothyroidism, can lead to high blood pressure and also changes in the heart structure, but is not related to the changes in the mediastinal structures.
Anyway, you may need therapy with synthetic thyroid hormone in order to stabilize your hormonal imbalance.
You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues.
Feel free to ask me again, whenever you need!
Kind regards,
Dr. Iliri
Should I get a second opinion on the thyroid treatment waiting for second test Ina few months as it's just slightly elevated?
And my blood pressure has been up
At 170/111 and as low as 98/68 over the last week - mostly lower though over the last few days. Is that anything to worry about? All my hospital bloods and ecgs were good when taken last weekend. Just cholesterol to be checked this week and CT booked for Friday.
I would explain as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Hello again!
Your blood pressure values are a little fluctuating. 170/111 are a little high.
I would recommend to check again your thyroid hormone levels, in order to consider possible treatment.
Anyway, you should know that fluctuations in blood pressure could be related to physical and emotional stress too.
I would also recommend performing a cardiac ultrasound , besides your planned CT scan, in order to examine your heart function and structure and also your aorta.
The chest CT scan is not the best test to examine your heart (a cardiac ultrasound can give much more information).
Hope you will find this answer helpful!
If you have any other questions, I would be happy to answer!
Best wishes,
Dr. Iliri