Working Out With A Personal Trainer. Noticed Bloating In Stomach, Lower Abdomen And Vaginal Lips Swelling. Remedy?
Thanks for your inquiry. Indeed, the most common cause of swelling in such a setting would be interstitial fluid/inflammation due to overexertion of skeletal muscle; the muscle itself when inflammed can retain water; other times, venous return may be more difficult and can lead to swelling from the chest down, specially if there are varicose veins; gentle use of antiniflammatories like ibuprophen, compression stocklings and leg elevations can certainly help; things should get better as your body conditions to the level of exercise, but if they don't, I believe it could be reasonable to obtain some abdominal imaging such as CT scan to ensure there is no anatomical abnormalities.
Yours truly,
Dr Brenes-Salazar MD
Mayo Clinic MN