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Treatment of
acne depends upon the stage or grade of acne one has.Also treatment depends upon the cause of acne .
Cause of acne may be just a wrong selection of soap or a moisturizer to
hormonal disturbances in body (esp in females).
Treatment starts form the use of a anti acne face cleanser .It can be a anti acne soap or a face wash .Next would be use of a good anti acne cream for day time and night time use. Along with this one should be given a course of antibiotic tablet .
If patient does not respond to this or one has very sever acne then comes use of oral
retinoids.Retinoids are wonder drug for acne , but one needs to undergo various blood investigations before taking this .Also there are certain precautions which one needs to follow before use of this medicine.Your
dermatologist would be the best judge for this .
Along with this one has to drink plenty of water and take good 7 hr sleep in night.Healthy life style with above treatment is a must to keep your face clean and acne free.
So,i would advise you to consult a skin specialist(dermatologist) who can prescribe you medicines accordingly. Please do not believe in over the counter medicines as they don't have any good result on acne.