Dear m.ali8447
it really has various inputs for your height problem that are lacking from your question but sadly i would say its a little bit late , there are some cutting edge surgeries that can be done but thats way much invasive . some studies recommend
growth hormone supplementation , but this needs to be done under the supervision of an
endocrinologist ofcourse and results are not guaranteed .
what you could try and i could recommend so far is to naturally try increase your growth hormone and thats by doing some exercises that i would recommend for you
1. sprinting for short distances but full speed . short distance is 100 meter only but really fast pickup and repeat that for like 5 times .
2. combined
muscle exercises like dead-lefts , squats , bench press .
those would help , with right nutrition and exercise .
i hope i answered your question or at least helped you with your search , if so please rate my answer with a 5 stars that would help me stay motivated and help more people :)
thank you and stay well .