Hello and welcome to HCM,
The analysis of
ultrasound report is as follows:
1.The fetus is present in cephalic position. Cephalic position is head down position. this is the normal position of the fetus.
2. The fetal
heart rate is 142 bpm which is within normal limits.
3. The various parameters to assess the growth of the fetus are bpd (bi-parietal diameter), hc (head circumference), ac (abdominal circumference), fl (femur length), hl (heel length) and fetal weight.
4. These parameters correspond to approximately 24 week
pregnancy. However, you have mentioned that your wife is 20 week pregnant. There seem to be some mistake in your calculation of the
gestational age from last menstrual period (LMP). If the gestational age preseeds the calculated gestational age by more than 2 weeks, it is called IUGR (intra-uterine growth restriction).
5. Polyhydroamnios is presence of excessive
amniotic fluid in the geastational sac. this can occur in various anomalies like atresia of upper GI tract. However, this is not the only cause of polyhydroamnios. there are various other causes.
You need to consult your obstetrician for further investigations to find out the cause of polyhydrioamnios.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal