Thanks to contact Healthcare Magic.
It appears your keenness to gain weight around 20 kg. You have approached with
Protein supplements to increase weight. But your choose product may be considered as more CARB supplement rather than PROTEIN. Since, Per 100 gm contains 79 gm
carbohydrate and Protein only 15 gm.
Do n't be Crazy with any advertisement, after wall synthetic supplements have side effect. Always use food supplements from natural source produced from GMP certified firms. Natural dietary supplements usually used to fulfill the major nutritional gap.
No supplement works as any magic bullet. You have to optimize your health with Right Food and Life style
You may maintain a
Diet Plan with 1350-1400 Kcal per day.
- Avoid foods packaging food, antibiotic medicine
- Avoid high saturated food like cheese, red meat , butter and yoghurt
- Avoid Junk and fast food
- Increase to intake food rich in Phyto nutrient that balance enzyme and hormone
- Boost the level of anti-oxidant level of food in your diet with fresh green fruits,
vegetables, Crane berry to fight against Free radicals.
- Add Fish Oil with Omega -3 Fatty acid
- Add protein from soy isolates 50 gm per day. Take carbohydrate from Wheat and Rice only. Avoid to intake extra white sugar.
-Take rest for 6-7 hours in a day
- Use 5-6 liters of water per day.
- Practice
Yoga to intake fresh
Oxygen in your body for 30-45 mins.
Be Positive and Enjoy
stress free life
Take care
God Bless you