I am a 39 year old, healthy, vegan woman. About 2 hours ago i started feeling sick. dizzy, pressure in my eyes and nauseous. i have a blood pressure monitor at home and i had 145/106, a few minutes later went up to 158/105, then down to 135/101. it was like that for about an hour. Then down to 110/71 and now stabilized in 123/87.
i am stil having pain in my eyes and feeling a bit dizzy.
it has never happened before, with exception of once when i took medications that did that to me, over 5 years ago.
what worries me is that last month i had some bleeding on the 10th day of my period and then dark spotting for over 3 weeks. could it be related to the sudden high blood pressure today?
Please give me your opinion.
Thank you