first - wishing u a happy new year
and welcome to our site
read your query
that is a very significant question
and i appreciate your problem
i will try my best to answer your query
i think it is always good to visit the hospital
in his case i think the problem is that the
diabetes is not letting
the infection get treated fully
however if he has persistent vomitting you should get to a hospital for sure
persistent vomitting in diabetics can lead to other complications too like DKA
meanwhile check out cbc kft and pt-inr
a stool for occult blood may be a good idea too
chest pain may be due to the forceful vomitting
so i dont think thats related to angina
i hope this helps you
inform the reports mentioned above
so i can be of help further
best of luck
(please do understand that some problem remains as
online texting cuts down history and examination
thereby reducing the effect and efficiency
and increases reliance on tests)