Hi Doctor, I am 54 years old. I think my menopause started a year ago. I had been experiencing quick stabbing pain for short periods in the last few months in my lower left abdomen. Recently, I felt a slight, dull pain in the same area. I went to consult a gynecologist. After examining me, she suggested an ultrasound which revealed that I have multiple fibroids. I am uploading all the reports. She suggested that my ovaries and uterus be removed. I consulted another gynecologist and I went through another ultrasound. This doctor first suggested medical therapy for three months, which she said had a 50% cure rate. Alternatively, surgery which has a 100% cure rate, could be done. Blood tests for CBC and CA 125 were also done. I will upload the results. Subsequently, I had a biopsy done and I am awaiting the results. Just before the biopsy, I started bleeding again which seems to be normal periods. I cannot make out whether it is fresh blood.
Do you think surgery should be done?