Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Following an
abortion it is normal to have mild spotting or bleeding for a couple of weeks.
A review checkup is essential.
Follow up
ultrasound scan after 15 days should be done without fail.
It would document an empty
uterine cavity and substantiate that there are no retained products inside.
hormonal changes can persist upto a month after the abortion.
What you had again could be your normal period.
A normal period resumes within 4 - 6 weeks after an abortion.
A slightly lesser than normal period is also normal.
bloating and gassy feeling is also normal.
Old blood gets shed off with the next period.
A transvaginal scan , if already done, that is essentially normal, rules out any abnormality.
A thorough gynaecological internal examination - per vaginum and per speculum - also should be done to rule out any lingering infection or inflammation.
Make sure you do not conceive for atleast 3 months after an abortion.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.