ache on left side above hip up to left breast and underarm I d say for the past year, I have been having an aching feeling and sometimes fullness type feeling in my left side. It seems to be coming from above my hip below my ribcage and radiating up to my left armpit and into left breast. Also under left armpit is very tender to the touch. I tried feeling around in my left side above hip and it feels like theres a knot there. I m also having massive back pains, these symptoms arent with me everyday, sometimes ill feel fine. It can be days before ill feel it, the longest i went with feeling okay was close to a week im guessing. I constantly feel depressed anymore because im always fatigued and just feel ill all the time. I feel like some days, i have nothing to give, and im so sick of it. I am a smoker and 27 years old, i have no kids. Diabetes , breast cancer , copd , sarcoidosis runs in the family. What could be wrong?