Hi thanks for writing here.Acne is primarily a
hormonal condition driven by male or ‘androgenic’ hormones, which typically become active during the teenage years. Sensitivity to such hormones, combined with bacteria on the skin, and fatty acids within oil glands, cause acne. Common sites for acne are the face, chest, shoulders, and back -- the sites of oil glands.
Acne lesions include whiteheads, blackheads, small bumps, and nodules and cysts.
Though acne is essentially a normal physiologic occurrence, certain conditions may aggravate the condition, including:
Fluctuating hormone levels around the time of menses
Manipulating (picking/prodding) acne lesions
Dandruff for prevention follow these tips
Choose a cleanser specially formulated for acne. These products often contain
salicylic acid or
benzoyl peroxide, which help to clear acne sores.
Clean your face gently, as trauma to the acne breakouts may worsen the acne or cause scarring. When washing your face, use your hands, as any terrycloth or other scrubbing material may cause acne sores to rupture.
If you need to use a moisturizer, use only light, noncomedogenic moisturizers, which do not aggravate acne. This type of product may be your best option.
use an oil-free foundation. Heavy makeup or other cosmetic products that block pores may cause a flare-up of acne. As far as treatment ,commonly used drugs are oral and topical antibiotics,bezyl peroxide,
retinoids,hormonal therapy,also
chemical peels and lasers are available ,treatment depends on stage of acne and it is better you
consult a dermatologist and start treatment accordingly.