hello, So here s my issue. I m 23 with a complextion a few shades ligher than dark skin black..most call it light skinned or red skinned. All my life since a teen I ve been getting this terrible acne on my face everywhere... now this acne is viscous usually start off as bumps under the surface and as they progress they get harder and more painful until the white head comes to the surface until it pops on its own or i pop it usually secreting this yellowish whiteish substance like string cheese mixed with a little blood, usually popping the substance isnt enough and the bump stays and hyper pigmentates leaving dark spots all over my face. sometimes these bumps cluster, sometimes they re random. Problem areas being jaw line, right under eyes, creases of nose, cheek and seldomly forehead . I don t have much facial hair , (just small mustache and chin beard) none on my jaw really. I take vitamins , i use noncomogenic scrubs and washes daily, also using pure honey as a mask afterwards multiple times a week. I ve tried tons of products to get rid of the ance, sometimes it seems something is working and after a little time passes it seems like the patch of severity moves. last winter-spring most of the acne was under my eyes on my cheeks not really on my jaw, now its mostly on my jawline. I dont really get this acne anywhere else on my body. I quit smoking a month ago from being a pack a day smoker, cold turkey. Since then I ve also changed my diet to more pastas and veggies, although every now and then i have a soda. I drink about a gallon a day in water due to my sport activities. i can send pictures. Im just trying to see if theres an over the counter remedy for this type of acne. If not what type do you think it is so i can see a dermatologist. This doesn t seem like normal acne which is what i have been believing for a while now. it seems like i wake up with a new bump every day/ bumps form during the day. Thanks