I am 65 years old and I am feeling acute pain in my back ,hips,down to knee and then further down to the point above ankle.I have been taking medicine like Nervio, Hifenac,Deugaba,Rejunuron etc but with no relief.These medicine have lot of side effects and I do not want to continue. I am experiencing loose stool also.I got MRI also and findings are that i am suffering from lumber spondy losis with degenerative disc disease and multilevel disc bulge with right para central disc protrusion at L4-L5 causing right lateral recess steno-sis and narrowing of the neutral foramina bilaterally with ligamentum flavum adding to the compressive effect. I am attending physiotherapy treatment but with little relief.Should I continue to walk in acute pain? If so please suggest distance.Should I continue medicine? If so which one is good. Should I believe that there is no cure further and I have to suffer with this pain in my rest of life.? Please help me.