I am hoping maybe someone out there can help identify this terrible problem or point me in the right direction. Doctors are completely stumped and I am damn near at wits end. Ok here it goes. I have made a list of symptoms. And a list of attempted cures INCLUDING doctors failed attempts. Please keep in mind this is affecting 5 people. 2 females and 3 Males. I have daily contact with 2 of the males. Spent zero contact with the other male or female in the time period they now have these. None, not a single one of the other people in my life, including room mates, have gotten this. I have been toughing through this with my SO since last December. Symptoms *Extreme itching. This is a constant generalized itching, as well as specific reoccurring locations of extreme itchiness. * Dry skin . Especially next to the described bumps below. *Small, hard, bumps with clear fluid that is released if squeezed rather hard, are at those before mentioned areas of extreme itchiness. When they are squeezed it creates some sort of allergic contact dermatitis at the localized spot. They are never pus filled, nor do they come to any head. *These little hard bumps are randomly placed in the common locations. The repeat locations are my feet,(rarely)hands(this seems to be rare with us females but the men s hands are INSANE WITH BUMPS and itchiness), legs, forearms,very rarely they will pop up on my stomach and back or under my breast where the wire of my bra touches. The ones under my breasts are so super tiny they never reach a hardened state or release any fluid. This is the same for the ones on my forearms, back, and stomach. I believe this is because the skin on top usually get itched/broken on accident or in my sleep before reaching that state. These do turn into a tiny flat scab after. *Tight fit clothing is a no go. *There is no time schedule or pattern for the itchiness. Could be 11am could be 11pm. No discrimination here it seems. *It itches quite a bit more if processed foods are consumed. *HEAT+SWEAT=EXTREME AGITATION *The most intense itching is at hair follicles. So when your hair returns oh boy howdy does it suck. But keep in mind the little bumps are not at the hair follicles. Just the itching. Doctor Attempted Cures Docs first guess scabies . She was confused because there is NO burrowing and there was literally one bump in the webbing of my toes. The webbing of my hands is not affected. The men s however are just dry and scaly and cracked :( We tried the cream. We had everyone do a double treatment including those that were not affected just to be safe. This did absolutely nothing. *Second guess was fleas or bed bugs. Nope and nope. Even threw out a bed and moved out of the apartment I was in. I washed EVERYTHING, threw out other furniture and clothing, and i went completely nuts cleaning. *I was then blindly prescribed a steroid pill, some intense antihistamines that will knock your ass out, and a antibacterial ointment used for folliculitis . This was was because she said she had no freakin idea was it happening to me. The ointment made my skin moist from the oily mess, but did absolutely nothing to the bumps. In fact it made the men s hands itch worse and quite immediately after contact. The steroids helped so much next to the antihistamines. I tried to use the antihistamines as little as possible to avoid falling asleep at work. But I still has a few bumps here and there and a tad bit of itching still daily. Not 100% there, but damn it was good to not itch so fcking much. Those 2 prescriptions however are intended to alleviate an allergic reaction . Not cure the problem. So now that those are gone the itching has returned with a fiery vengeance. I can not afford to go to the doctors for another 2 weeks maybe 4. So I have yet to go back to be told yet again that they do not know *Everyone else has independently gone to the doctors after the initial scabies visit. All of us have been deemed a medical mystery. At home attempts *I already use hypoallergenic and natural ingredient products. I went further and even switched to the no shampoo or conditioner deal using baking soda/apple cider vinegar method instead. *Tried antifungal creams/sprays. Slight itching and bump relief. Similar relief to that of the prescription grade antihistamines. *I tried a probiotic to remove excess systematic yeast. *I changed my diet and exercise regiment ??any ideas??