I was in the hospital from 1/11/14 to 2/1/14 for Acute Pancreatic attack and Pneumonia.I was prescribed 30 Norco 10mg, the medicine was insufficient in both count & strength. I went back to the E.R. on 2/4/14. They said the inflammation decreased. I was prescribed Hydroco/Acetamin 7.5-325mg. Again the medication is not helping my pain and I only have 4 left. I have an appointment with a clinic on 2/11/14, but they do not prescribe pain meds, nor does any local physicians that I can find except for the E.R. I don't smoke, drink and I have been keeping to a lite diet. I am in pain everyday and I don't know what to do? I'm going to be out of pain meds tomorrow and I can't stand the way I'm feeling. I was treated in Winchester, VA.