Hello, I hope this is really free, I'm having a lot of issues with my heart, I am not sure what's going on here, I know heart desease runs in my family, I'm 27 years old, I've Dropped Allot of weight in a very small amount of time, I'm extremely stressed stuck in a bad situation! I have Heart rate Apps and downloads and detectors, My heart rate will go from 34 BPM to 198 BPM in the Same Test on Every machine I've tried. My vision gets blurred and My left upper arm goes knumb, Eyes try to roll in the back of my head and I fight to Stay contious. Taking care of a 4 year old, Not my child or my house, Father doesnt really care, And is rude!! I hope I'm not digging my own grave?? I do have Sleep Apnia I sometimes stop breathing at night could this be part of it? I cant sleep here, And I don't eat much theres no food and little 4 year old comes first! Can you Help? I have No Medical or a income!