Dear Doctor,
I am a diabet patient for the last 10 years and am taking the following
Blisto 2MF - one tab in the evening
Cardice 5 mg - one at night
LO 50 - one in the mroning
Nebivolol 2.5 mg - one at night
Ecosprin AV 75 - one at night
Recently I underwent a full medical check up and it was reported
that blood sugar is high and brief report is as under:
Blood routine; Hb 13.9 gm%
ESR 12 mm/Hr
T. Bilirubin 0.8
D. Bilirubin 0.4
S. Protein 7.0
S. Albumin 4.1
ALP 56 iu/dl
Creatinine 1.0 mg/dl
T. holesterol 154 mg.dl
Triglycerides: 77 mg/dl
HDL 56
LDL 83
URINE Albumin : NIL, Sugar :NIL
Blood Sugar
FBS 269, PPBS 264
Chest X-ray : Prominent Bronchovascular markings
Electrocardiogram : No significant ST - T changes
Threadmill Test : Negative of inducible ischemia, Dukes score +14
Colour Doppler Echocardiogram : No RWMA
Ultrasonography Abdomen : Normal
Provisional Diagnosis : Uncontroller DM/HTN
Age : 59 years, Weight : 62 mg, Height 163 cm
BMI : 23
I have been advised to continue the same medicines and asked
to increase Blisto from one to two. Dear Doctor, I would like to
seek your kind avvise.
With kind regards,
Kerala, India