I am an 18 year old female who just recently had a beautiful baby boy. I gained alot of wieght with the pregnancy. Now, almost 7 months later, I still have about 30 to 35lbs. to lose. I am 5' even and weigh around 150lbs. I am also a recovered anorexic but I do still have lapses. The weight I am currently at is causing lapses and my husband is afraid of me being put in the hospital again from the disorder. I am moderatly active and consume one small meal a day yet I seem unable to lose this pregnancy weight. I am comfertable between 105 and 118lbs, but I fear I am nearing my previous ways of total starvation. I nearly died last time. I need some advice that will help me drop the weight fast so that I will be comfertable again. Please, someone, help me!!!