I got a flu shot last Fall at Wallgreens, but the regular nurse was at lunch and a guy from the pharmacy gave it to me. Have to wonder if I got the right shot cause in December I got the flu bad, possibly that h2n3 everyone was talking about. Chills, body aches, fever of 103, and a dry cough lasting for a week. Then the norovirus in January, then the flu again in late February as bad as the first round. It was just a few weeks later the right ear problem started first with congestion and ringing, then the noise sensitivity and the talking-in-a-barrel effect with the sound of my own words booming in the right ear. But I could also hear and feel it in my right sinus under the eye and in the upper nasal area when I talked or coughed. Then flash of ring of light in eyes just started a couple weeks ago. (I was laying out in the sun without eye protection, though only for 10 minutes a few times but doc said that the sun could cause problems with the vitreous gel creating more floaters.) I know flu can cause complications including infections and even meningitis. Is it possible that I have an upper nasal infection or viral, bacterial, or fungal meningitis that's hung on for over 3 months? ENT only checked for ear and nose infection. CT would've presumably shown any lymphoma in the sinuses. I see another ENT specialist in Indy next week. Any suggestions?