Hi ... Welcome to Health Care Magic ...
Triglycerides are another type of fat that combine with
cholesterol to form plasma
lipids and gets deposited in the vessels. When your calorie intake is more than what you need, the excess is converted and stored in the form of triglycerides. In between meals, when the body needs more energy, this triglyceride store is burned to convert into energy.
Normal Triglyceride level should be Below 150 .
If triglyceride is above 150 and if below 200 .. Its Boderline .
If triglyceride is above 200 and if below 499 .. Its High Risk.
( Your Triglyceride falls in High Risk - 410 )
HDL is in borderline as per your result . ( Normally should be above 60 )
You can use diet and lifestyle changes to lower triglyceride levels. These changes may be especially good at lowering borderline-high levels (150 to 199 mg/dL) back to normal levels (less than 150 mg/dL).
Diet and lifestyle changes include:
Staying at a healthy weight.
Limiting fat and sugars.
Being more active.
Limiting alcohol.
Omega 3 fatty acids.
In my opinion I Suggests Diet with medications to reduce high glyceride level in blood .
Hope this information is Useful.
Take Care.