Hi, I'm almost 46 years old and indian. Six months back I had my first episode of skipped periods followed by heavy bleeding, which resulted in a D&C. The biopsy said: Suggestive disordered proliferative endometrium with benign endometrial ( functional) polyp. My doctor said it was potentially dangerous and that I would either have to go for Mirena or a hysterectomy. When I went in for a second opinion, the other doctor told me that it was a completely normal report and that my body was in perimenopause. He asked me to relax and take things easy. Now after 6 months, after a delay of 65 days I started menstruating really heavily which continued for 12 days. Now I've been advised Autrin and Pause and been asked to wait for a week. Was the first doctor right? What exactly is wrong with me?