Welcome to the forum. The most common cause of discharge ( fresh blood ) from the anus is haemorrhoids/ polyps. The cause can be inadequate hydration,
constipation, anal fissures, etc. You should get clinically assessed to determine the degree of haemorrhoid from which you are probably suffering.
You may require to undergo blood tests and other investigations, anoscopy,
sigmoidoscopy, etc ( to rule out other problems like polyp,
colon cancer,
diverticulosis, , if you not diagnosed with haemorrhoids )
Take warm sitz bath 2-3 times a day to feel better. You should take 1-2 litres of water/ soups/ juice to keep yourself properly hydrated and help easy bowel movement, warm milk at bed time and laxatives can be of much help.
Eat balanced home made food, avoid spicy, oily, junk food. Take care.