Hey there, I began bleeding day 10 post tonsillectomy it was a lot of blood so I went to the ER the doctor said it was fine! The next day I bled again, we thought it was normal since the ER doctor said it was then the following say (day 13) I bled 3 minor times and a 4th major bleeding session, I ended up swallowing so much blood and ended up puking out blood full of clots. I went to the ER the next morning and was sent to a specialist ENT and while in the waiting room I began bleeding again, once I was taken a look at, the doctor said his blood pressure went up he yanked out a huge blood clot I will avoid all the details and get straight to the point... he attempted chemical cauterization which did not work and as a result he sent me directly back to the OR for emergency surgery when I woke up I found myself painless, it has been 19 days since original surgery and 6 days since emergency surgery I have no more pain in my throat except a small amount when I yawn or stretch , I cannot afford to lose anymore blood however... They put in melting stitches and I guess I m going to assume maybe a little cauterization? Anyways about an hour ago I noticed a stitch sticking out a little, kind of looks like a little spike... is this anything to worry about? I m pretty paranoid. :(