Dear Sir/Madame, I have a question for you. Namely, a week after I had unprotected sex, I started having pregnancy symptoms . First it started with headache, lower backpain , abdominal cramps (slightly similar to menstrual cramps), and very sore breasts (something I have never had before). After few days, I started having extreme fatique, lightheaded, dizziness , urinating more frequently, white creamy discharge, occassional pinching on my lower abdominal area, and acne all over my cheeks. I got my menstrual period exactly after 4 weeks, but it was much lighter than usual and I had normal bleeding for one night, where as the rest was coming and going through out the day and much lighter. After exactly 4 weeks I again got my period with the same pattern (I never get my period exactly 28 days apart two times in a row). I did quantative analysis of Beta HcG in what would have been 6th week gestatonial age (if I were pregnant ), and my B HcG was less than 1. In the meanwhile, my lower abdomen keeps getting bigger (I am very slender, and never have I had such bloated lower abdomen--my friends keep asking me if I am pregnant, since my lower abdomen is shaped in such a way that it looks as if I am pregnant; it is mainly bloated in the area where the uterus is located). Thus, my question (after such a long story) is: Is there any way I could be pregnant, given my B HcG results? And finally, I forgot to mention, I also did blood chemical analysis and the results showed that I have iron deficiency, but my red blood cells and hemoglobin were perfectly fine, and I had slight decrease in tryglicerides. Thank you for your answer! Kind Regards, Heather