Thanks for the query to h.c.m.forum.
If I were your doctor for this
bloating stomach, I would come up with these possibilities , these includes.
1 The first possibility is of
peptic ulcer disease or
Hiatus hernia.
Diagnosis can be confirmed by upper G I
endoscopy ( as X ray or sono will not yield any finding).
Try raising the head of your bed 4 inches with blocks.It also might help to avoid drinking or eating for 2 hours before you lie down. To help control the stomach acid one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or eat chocolates or spicy or greasy foods.
Also take some
antacid ( if oxetaciane in them than good ) but if the symptoms are severe , then you may need drugs like
proton pump inhibitors.
2 Tension is the 2nd most common cause of bloating . You yourself decide whether you have tension (
stress ) or not.
3 Overeating with spiced food is another most common cause of bloating so for this you have to control your diet ,if you think so that.
In my opinion all reasons are relevant and deal accordingly.
Good luck. Dr. het