I did my blood and urine test and the result says that the Microalbumin is high. My body weight is 349 lbs and I am 5'9". I am obese. Please look into the lab test result
Cholesterol, Total 185 mg/dL
Triglycerides 70 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 50 mg/dL >39
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 14 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol Calc 121 High mg/dL
Hemoglobin A1c 7.0
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Blood
Vit. B1, Whole Blood 87.1 nmol/L
Iron, Serum 39 Low ug/dL
Vitamin B12 135 Low pg/mL
Ferritin, Serum 180 ng/mL
Prealbumin 15
Microalbumin, Random Urine
Microalbumin, Urine 39.9 ug/mL
Ferritin, Serum 174 ng/mL
Intrinsic Factor Abs, Serum Negative
Please provide the necessary guidance.