Hi - I am sure that answering a health query online is not the simplest thing to do but I will do my best to give you to the best of my knowledge, all the information I have. I am a 33yo, F, 5 7 , 125lbs. I am pretty active ie: exercise 3-4x a week. I eat somewhat normally, I am an ex-smoker for over 1 year now. I take Dexedrine 15mg POD for ADHD and Xanex 0.5mg PRN for sleeping. I recently went for my annual physical with my GP. I had all normal readings on BP , EKG , Lungs, Reflexes..ect. My GP did the standard blood work. Which included: CBC, 5 PART DIFF, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel , L. All came back in range except the following: MPV (Low at 6.7 fl), %Eosinophils (High at 3.32%) and Alkaline Phoshatase (Low at 37 IU/L). My GP said that these are nothing to be worried about. During my annual exam I brought to my GPs attention that there is a lump in my abdomen. This lump I recollect having all my life. It is appox. 1 inch north west of my belly button. I brought it to his attention as it feels like it has been getting bigger and is painful to the touch. The lump does not rise over my skin and is not noticeable visually. With that said, my GP had me go to a Radiologist to have an ultra-sound. My GP assumed that it was hernia . I went for the ultra-sound to which the Radiologist stated that it was not hernia. (He also ruled out a cyst and a sebaceous cyst ). The full report from the Radiologist has not come back yet, but he was very helpful in explaining his thoughts. Basically he does not know what the lump is by the ultra-sound. The Radiologist did confirm that the lump is a large pea shape and is in fact getting larger. He is going to suggest to my GP that the lump surgically be removed. My questions are - looking at the flagged blood panels and the lump, is there a correlation and is there a cause for concern? Also, do you have a possible diagnosis that I could draw attention to with my GP? Thank you so much for your help with this.