I had graves disease that burnt out my thyroid and was diagnosed with hashimoto. I am on synthroid and have no insurance. For the past 3 months I have been abnormally tired and lethargic. I wake up that way and feel it most of the day. Then my joints and muscles started to ache, a deep ache. My libido has taken a dive. Then it became harder to swallow , like something is lodged in my esophagus . Also, my ears have been itching at the bottom of my canal almost into my neck. Last night, when I rolled to the right side, I felt an uncontrollable pain and couldn t breathe. Then again today when I laid on my right side, same thing. I am having shortness of breath and a mild pain, while relaxing. Palpitations have also begun again. I have been tested for Lyme and Mono and both were negative. Do these symptoms fit hashimoto or are they thyroid related? Should I contact my endocrinologist?