my father is 66yrs and he carried CBC test which showed leukocytosis 33% and the lymphocyte count was high 80%.a hematologist asked him to perform alot of lab, xray and ultrasound investigations and the results as follow: lab test: leukocyctosis( lymphocytosis), low LDH 84, CRP 24, ESR was little high. Chest x ray: clear both lung fields and costophrenic angles, normal cardiac size and configuration, unfolded aorta with prominent knuckle and mild dorsal spondylosis . Axillary, neck, abdomen and groins ULS showed: Fatty liver, gall bladder tiny calculus, Bilateral inguinal enlarged inflammatory lymph node were noted, enlarged subcentimetric suspecious cervical lymph nodes, right sumandibular inflammatory lymph node, diffuse goiter with a right thyroid solid hyperchoic nodule and billateral axillary enlarged inflammatory lymh nodes.