Based on the history given, you seem to have developed
hypocalcemia (decreased calcium level in the blood) resulting in
tetany which is apparently caused by the chelating drug EDTA.
Dimercapto-propane sulfonate (DMPS) is unlikely to cause hypocalcemia.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelates calcium in serum, thereby reducing serum ionized calcium concentration, resulting in hypocalcemia.
For such cases I usually refer to a hospital
Calcium gluconate is given intravenously for the immediate relief of
muscle cramps.
After hospital discharge, usually you will be advised to take calcium and vitamin D orally.
Your treating doctor might prescribe safer medications instead of EDTA for the effective
chelation therapy for heavy metals that may be present in your body.
Hope the advice given above would be beneficial in getting rid of heavy metals from your body.
A feedback is appreciated.