I am 27 years old, 5 feet 2 inches, and weigh 125 pounds. I have had sinus issues for years and this past March I had sinus surgery to fix a deviated semptum and a spur coming off the semptum. During the operation the doctor also found nasl polyps. A month after surgery the nasal polyps came back and I was put on steroids to reduce them. I have not had any other sinus issues since then. Currently, I am scheduled for a colonoscopy for Tuesday, I am supposed to begin my prep on Monday at 10:00. I am getting a colonoscopy because my brother was found with precancerous polyps in his colon when he was 28. Also my grandma had colon cancer and had to have her colon removed. The doctors have suggested that all of my brothers siblings have a colonoscopy before we turn 30. Last week I started waking up with a sore throat, as the days went by, I develped a runny nose and was slightly stuffy. Over the last 36 hours I have felt feverish, hot, and flushed (didn't have a thermometer so was unable to check temp). I am taking tylenol to combat a presistent headache. My throat is still sore off and on, and I feel slightly wheezy when taking deep breaths. I am exhausted, and have very little energy. I went to bed at 5:45 last night and slept until 11:00 this morning. From what I have read online it seems I have the flu. My real question is, can I still go through with my colonoscopy on Tuesday? I just want to get it over with!