I don't think so.You understand Diof-Ds is antibiotic: ofloxacin+
ornidazole, side effect is
diarrhea. Cause is
constipation, some bacteria can do constipation,like as Klebsiela, Ps.aeruginosus, but you do stool culture and sensitivity to antibiotics,then drink special and helpful.
1. I advice to your daughter Pevzner diet number 4, give to her fiber rich food:raw salads with cucumbers, tomato,onion, sunflower or olive oil, boiled beetroots with onion and oil, rubber carrot, apples beetroots, carrot juices,fresh dahi,soup and ets, plenty of water.
2.Dufalac 5- 10 ml before night 14 days
3.Darolac 1 capsule 1 time for normalization of flora intestine 1 month