I had my last normal period june 13th start date and ended june 18th completely. I had sex on June 19th and my boyfriend left came inside me. Wednesday night at 9:30 on the 22nd I took the next choice pill and the next morning at 6am I took the second pill. I’m worried that I missed the 72hr window to take the pill seeing that I tok it so late. On the 19th of June I started discharging dark dark and the next day it turned into what looked like a normal period, and It went off the next day. My question is when should I expect my next normal period? Ive been having really weird stomach feelings, tired, and nausea. My period was suppose to start 2days ago, but there is no sign of it, and my cycle is always 28days apart. Today makes it two days late, could I be pregnant? Ive also taken 3 pregnancy test and they all came back negative.