Heart palpitations and chest pains,
headaches and migraines, fatigue and exhaustion,
depression, irritability, moodiness, inability to concentrate, nausea and
dizziness and even oily skin and tingling outer extremities are all symptoms of
Vitamin B12 deficiency!! Not pretty hey.
You need to increase foods rich in this vitamin in your daily food intake - yeast, liver, eggs, milk, cheese and fish, kidney and pork.
Go get yourself a really good quality
multivitamin supplement with all the
B vitamins included in it. Don't buy the B vitamins individually as they work best as a group - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12. Don't buy synthetic vitamins (the cheap and nasty ones) as they are notoriously hard to digest. Expect to pay around $30.00 AUD for a months supply.
If you don't see a rapid improvement in your symptoms within a few hours then certainly you must go to the emergency room!! Vitamin B12 deficiency is apparently one of the most common vitamin deficiencies today, most likely due to the fact that our Doctor's never make it clear to us that it essential to maintain your body's dietary requirements or symptoms such as yours will occur. The B group of vitamins are a water soluble group and therefore the body can neither store them or produce them. We need to replace them on a daily basis.
Take better care of your body and I assure you, you will reap the benefits. Your body is simply telling you that it needs extra B vitamins, please!!...............:0)